“Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.”
The RCHM has an ever-expanding Hotel Management Library and books in diverse subjects. This serves as the main source of information for various class assignments, projects and research. The library will also house a print and media centre to create advanced presentation packages. RCHM Library is one of the finest libraries in the hospitality management field. It is noted for its excellent collection, knowledgeable staff and service to alumni, industry practitioners, other hospitality schools, as well as the students and faculty of Hotel Management. RCHM contents books and journals on Hotel Management , Cooking Books , Recipe Books , Housekeeping Books , Hospitality Management, Tourism Planning And Marketing, Service Marketing, International Hospitality Law, International Tourism Management, Tourism Business Environment, Tourism Products, Business Environment And Ethics, Strategic Management, Principles Of Management And Organizational Behaviour, Managerial Economics, Accounting And Finance For Managers, Marketing Management, Human Resource Management, Quantitative Techniques For Management, Research Methods For Management., Corporate Communication, Operations Management, and various Journals related to Hotel Industry.
Students may also request additional information regarding any books or documents by emailing us or visiting the administrator.